Thursday, September 9, 2010


Yesterday, my bookkeeping know-how was awakened as I accompanied my bestfriend as she visited her clients. It is part of her job as CPA/Auditor to visit her clients once a month. We went to Ketkai and first stop was PUMA then Spruce to update their sales book. Since it’s merienda time and we have to find a place to get things done. Yey! KFC. Haha

I always want KFC Hotshots and Krushers. Nam,nam! ,^^


As my sis is busy updating Spruce's sales book I took her shots.Oh well, I am done with PUMA! (master bya..haha)

isug keu dagway jud
ehem! atik keu..

cuuuute keu

Ooops! So much for her.. I have mine, too. ,^^

ehem! murag true.. haha

Final Pose sa KFC :D

To bid KFC goodbye..for SM is the next destination, All Flip-Flops.. Wheeh!

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